Ice thickness

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Ice thickness Ride Spike effort Tone and cracks Behavior
2 cm, not bearing capacity Not ride and can not be crossed. Choose a different path
3 cm, possibly skateable The ice is often not skateable, but can be crossed by crawling over it or punt forward, legs apart. Spike is easy through the ice Very bright tone.Wrapping Crack every meter. Please choose another route if possible. Cross if you think that the ice becomes thicker later.
4 cm, skateable Barely ride. Many signals that the ice is thin. Drive slowly through to stake your feet apart front. For the accentuation of the signals on thin ice: stop immediately, go back and choose a different path.
5 cm, thin Akbar. One should keep a low speed to clear any.depletion Spike makes a hole in the ice and some water comes up. Go slowly. Tempt the ice often.
6 cm, thin Well ride Powerful type may be changed.come down to the water Take the walking pace. Pika now and then. Stomp the ice to listen for the thick security changes.
70-10 cm, well-berry Safe Several blows are required to get down to the water Dull tone Go on at any speed. Look out for visible or audible change.
>10 cm, väl bärig Safe Many blows needed to get down to the water Very dull tone, barely audible. Go on at any speed. Look out for visible or audible change.