Ice conditions in Central Otago are not good according to the latest Chip Off The Ice Block report.
Author Archives: Ryan Hellyer
Sliver of ice on the Lower Manorburn dam
Sheet ice has been reported in the channel at the Lower Manorburn dam … full report
Lower Manorburn dam ice report
Saturday 4th June 11.06am: Manorburn Dam From Glen Cameron by txt No Ice at Manorburn today!!!!!
Message kindly forwarded by Clive Murphie.
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Norwegian Vodka
Crazy video from Norway demonstrating how some people prefer to enjoy the winter ice!
Some more clips from the same skater:
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video links courtesy of Clive Murphie of the Aardwolfs Ice Hockey Club.
Night skating
Skating under the stars can be a fantastic way to experience the ice. A great spot for skating at night is the middle basin of the Lower Manorburn dam. The following photo was taken in Rush Cutters bay. Car headlights can be used to illuminate the ice. The cold temperatures should prevent the engine from overheating while running in neutral for longer periods of time, but if you are at all concerned, just open your bonnet and turn your heaters on full to ensure the engine remains cool (be careful you don’t over chill it though!).
Killer Keas pond hockey on Poolburn
Downhill skating at Poolburn
Video footage of me (Ryan Hellyer) skating downhill at Poolburn reservoir in July 2010. Skating was very tricky due to big holes in the ice. I was constantly falling into ruts in the ice and occasionally my feet would drop right through and hit the mud underneath.
Thanks to David Patchett for the camera work.